Any time after you have created your advertisements you can return to make changes to your content, categorisation, post to additional job boards, or archive if no longer required.
- Click on Advertisements in the left hand navigation menu to access the Search Advertisements screen.
- Enter your search criteria. You can return all current advertisements by leaving the search criteria blank.
- Then click Search.
- Click on the checkbox under the Edit (E), Archive(A), Delete(D) as highlighted in the screenshot above, or Resubmit job box for each ad you want to action.
- Click Submit to action the request. Editing will take you into an edit screen to make your changes.
- If you selected multiple ads, these will be presented to you one at a time. Any edits, as well as other selected changes will occur immediate on your careers portal, or with the next feed for 3rdparty job boards.
- Click on Req Ref to access the job details
- Click on Ad ref to access the job advertisement and edit the individual job ad
- The Job indicators as in the first highlighted box in the screenshot show where the job ad is posted
- The Job created date and Expiry date are visible as well