The form you are building is visible in the main pane. All controls which can be added to your form are in the Controls menu on the left. Controls are grouped into two sections:
- Common Controls - text boxes, drop downs, radio buttons, checklists, attachments etc...
- Advanced Controls - Multi Selections, List boxes etc..
To Access Form Builder:
In Left hand menu, access Forms library
Select a form in which you want to build by clicking on the edit option as pointed in the screenshot below
Customising your form is very simple, and extremely powerful. The Forms Builder will allow you to:
- Add multiple sections
- Add as many rows as desired in each section
- Specify the column layout for each section, allowing for 1,2, 3 or more column layouts
- Add labels, hints and help text for each of your fields
- Define dropdown values on the fly
- Specify mandatory fields
After Customising the form, you may:
- Test the form
- Save the form as pointed in the screenshot below
- Publish the form