If at any time you wish to update the details of your individual account you can do this yourself through the Recruitment Centre system. You are provided the access to perform basic maintenance such as updating your password and contact details, as well as your name and login ID should you change your name.
To access your account settings, Click on Left hand menu. Click on the My Details link in the Springboard menu.
This will open the User Account Administration module taking you directly into your User Details page.
From here you can perform any required changes. Click the Update button when finished to commit your updates. The table below describes each of the fields available.
Option | Searches For |
Current Password | This field is used to enter your current password to confirm your identity when making changes. |
Organisation | This field identifies which organisation you belong to. You cannot make changes to this field. |
First Name | Your first name. |
Last Name | Your last name. |
Login Name | Your login name. This is the login you use when accessing Recruitment Centre. |
New Password |
This field is used to select a new password. This is a secret field, and anything you type will appear as an asterisk. |
Confirm Password | As the password is a hidden field, this field is used to re-enter the password to confirm it has been correctly typed. |
Role | This indicates that your account is a supplier account. It cannot be changed. |
Department | This field is irrelevant to you as a supplier. |
Division | This field is irrelevant to you as a supplier. |
Work Phone | Stores your work phone number. |
Work Fax | Stores your work fax number. |
Work Email | Stores your work email address. |
Work Email Format | Specifies the format you would like to receive any emails in. |
Alternate Email | Specifies an alternate email address that can be used if your primary address is unavailable. |
IMPORTANT: If you would like to make changes to the organisation level of your account, such as creating new users, changing the address, or setting a new default contact, you will need to contact the administrator at the organisation you are recruiting for.