Springboard users who have access to this functionality will have an option inside the Requisition Details screen. If you do not have this functionality, please contact the Springboard support team to have this role added to your account.
In order to assign a Hiring Manager to review a Requisition, you will need to add their details to the system.
This is done by accessing the Requisition Details screen and clicking on the " Configure" button, located in the Manage Hiring Managers section.
This will then load a new sub-screen as shown below:
- Click on "Create New User"
- Provide the details of the Hiring Manager, Like First name, Last Name and email address
- Once the details have been entered, click on "Add"
This will then create an entry for the Hiring Manager in the system and will enable the option to send invitation to them now, or resend invitations to all managers or close without sending any invitations.
When the invitation is sent, “Email Sent” will appear in the top-right corner of the Configure Manager Access window.
You can then choose to either add further Hiring Managers or simply Close the window.
To remove a Hiring Managers access, simply access the Configure Manager Access screen again and use the button under Action section to cancel their login privileges.