Workflow templates are used to define the recruitment process used by your organisation. Where you have different processes for different role types this can be achieved and managed by using multiple workflow templates.
In Administration area, Click Process Designer option in the navigation menu(as shown in the above screenshot), and a list of existing workflows will be displayed as displayed in the below screenshot.
- Click the "Create New" button as pointed in the above screenshot
- Fill in the workflow name details
- Click Create.
- A new workflow is created with default steps and is now ready for editing.
To add a new Activity:
- Click on the name of the workflow to be edited.
- Click on the dashed line to add an activity between steps, or the plus to add a new activity to the end of the workflow.
- Enter a Name for the step, specify the Activity Type and click Continue.
- Enter the relevant functional details such as Input Status, Accept Status, and Reject Status for the activity and click Save.
- To reset the workflow from the requisition, refresh the grid at the application page.
To Delete an Activity:
- Select the radio button for the step to be deleted
- Click Delete Template as highlighted in the bottom right of the above screenshot
- Update the statuses of the preceding/next step to ensure there is still a consistent flow for candidates.
To Copy a Rule:
- Select the radio button for the step to be copied as highlighted in the bottom right of the above screenshot
- Click Create Copy
- Enter a new short name, long name and description
- Click Save
To add Rules to Your Workflow:
- Click on the name of the workflow you would like to add rules to
- Click Manage Rules
- To create a new rule see How To: Create/Manage Rules.
- Click the pencil icon to edit and the bin icon to delete a rule.
- Click Close Rules Engine when you are finished.