Release Notes Overview
This document outlines Springboard release version 7.30 scheduled for release in February 2023.
Version 7.30 introduces the following new features:
- Create and manage new Seek Accounts without needing the Application Support Desk
- Optionally provide read-only access to the Activity Tab for users or hiring managers
- Onboarding portal support for clients sharing a single careers portal amongst multiple agencies
- Security change to Online Forms – useful for Reference Checking
- Exclude specific document types from bulkprints
- Springboard Version 5 is no longer available for use
- Improvements to web accessibility for Springboard’s new look and feel
This release also covers bug fixes and other small improvements which are outlined in these notes.
Create and Manage new Seek Accounts
In 2022, Springboard launched support for Seeks new Job Posting and Seek Optimised Apply services. Springboard also migrated from Seek’s traditional account and job template model to its new Account only model.
With this release, Springboard provides users the ability to setup new Seek Accounts directly without needing assistance from our Application Support team.
Note: New Seek Accounts must first be setup by talking to your Seek Account Manager, Seek will provide you with a Seek Hirer ID and Seek Advertiser ID. With these two codes, you are ready to link your new Seek account into Springboard.
To get started, go to Administration -> Admin Console -> Seek Account Admin to manage your Seek Accounts.
Click Add Seek Account to create a new Seek Account.
Give your new Seek Account a name – this will be shown in the Seek Account selection dropdown when posting Job Ads. Also enter the Seek Hirer ID and Advertiser ID codes provided by Seek.
When first setting up a new account, you will need to first enter the basic details, Save them, and then wait approximately 30 mins for Springboard to validate and register that account code with Seek. Return to this new account after 30 mins, at which time you will be able to define whether this account will utilise:
- Linkout- applicants from Seek will complete their application on your careers site
- Seek Optimised Apply – applicants from Seek will complete their application on Seek.
After 30 mins, return to the Admin Console -> Seek Account Admin, search for your account and click edit.
If your account has been setup correctly, you will at a minimum see that Linkout has been enabled for this Seek Account. You may also see that Seek Optimised Apply has been enabled.
Form the ‘Enable option to use’… dropdowns, select which apply options will be enabled for selection from within Springboard for this account.
Note: Some configuration work in Springboard may be required in order for Seek Optimised Apply to work with your Springboard instance. Please contact your Account Manager to confirm if Seek Optimised Apply is compatible with your instance.
As your accounts change over time, some accounts may age out and no longer be relevant. You can set an account to ‘hidden’, which will remove it from the dropdown selection when posting a job ad.
Read-only access to Activity Tab for users
Some clients wish to provide access to specific user groups such as Hiring Managers to view all jobs a candidate has applied to, even if they should not have access to the details of those jobs.
With this release, a restricted access view of the Activity Tab can be provided to these users. Users will be able to see the job reference and title of all jobs a candidate is currently applying to or has applied to in the past, however all links to view details about those jobs have been removed for security reasons.
Contact your Account Manager if this permissions profile is of interest for your hiring managers.
Onboarding portal support for clients sharing a single careers portal amongst multiple agencies
Springboard’s Onboarding Portal is popular with many clients, providing successful candidates with a portal for signing offer documents, completing new starter packs, and reviewing and signing videos and documents prior to joining on Day #1.
With this release, the onboarding portal now supports clients who utilise multiple backend organisations (for example departments or agencies) that all share a single frontend careers site.
Candidates will be able to access, view and sign documents for jobs they have applied to regardless of which agency posted the original job.
This feature is specifically for the latest version of the Onboarding Portal only.
New security option for Online Forms – Locked for recruiter after submission
Customers user Springboard Online Forms Library for creating forms that can be submitted by candidates, recruiters, hiring managers and other 3rd parties. These forms can be used for New Starter Forms, interview screening checklists, background checklists, reference checks and many other uses.
One common use for clients is to capture Reference Checks from referees in an online form.
With this release, it is now possible to specify that once the intended recipient of the form (for example the referee) has submitted it, the recruiter can no longer modify or edit that form – it is locked to read-only for all viewers.
This helps maintain the integrity of the data submitted by the original completer of the form.
To set this up for a form, go to Administration -> Forms Library. For the form you wish to secure, click the ‘Form Details’ cog.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen o Step 4: Authorisation.
Check the option “Locked for Recruiter after submission”.
For all forms generated from this template, recruiters will no longer be able to edit the form contents once it has been submitted.
Under Forms Management recruiter will not be able to edit the form as well.
Bulk print – ability to exclude specific document types
At the client level, it is possible to specifically exclude all documents of a particular document type from being included in a bulkprint.
This is useful where a specific document type attached to a candidate’s record should never be included in bulkprints.
As an example, a client does not wish to include Offer of Acceptance documents in their bulkprints. Below is a candidate with an offer of acceptance document. If this candidate was included in a Bulk Print this document will not be included.
Springboard Version 5 officially deprecated
Version 5 of the Springboard product, which was still being used by some agencies and suppliers, has been officially deprecated and is no longer available for login by users.
Any users still using Version 5 will have to upgrade to Version 7. The Application Support team can support clients in this migration.
Any clients using agencies / suppliers can have their suppliers’ portals upgraded to Version 7 without delay.
New Look and Feel for Springboard – Accessibility Improvements
As part of the rollout of the new look and feel for Springboard, PeopleScout is reviewing support for accessibility to ensure that people with low vision or other disabilities can access and use Springboard.
Springboard’s candidate and public facing portals already conform to the WCAG 2.1 AAA guidelines, however historically, the administrator portal has not complied with these guidelines.
PeopleScout will continue to upgrade the administrator portal throughout 2023 to ensure WCAG 2.1 AA (and where possible AAA) compliance.
For this release, the following areas of Springboard’s new look and feel have been enhanced to meet these guidelines:
- Home Page, Dashboards and Navigation Menus
- Quick Search bar
- My Jobs / All Jobs Search
- Requisition Details
- Search Advertisements
- Create/Edit Advertisements
Try out the new version for yourself
Your team can try out the new version by selecting “Try out the new look and feel” from the profile menu. Users can use either the current look & feel or the new look & feel interchangeably – there is no harm in your team using a mix of versions.
If needed, users can switch themselves back to the familiar look & feel anytime.
Minor bug fixes & Enhancements
The following lists other items that have been fixed or improved as part of this release. If you would like further information on any of these items, please contact Application Support.
Career Site / Application Form / Onboarding Portal
- Resolved several issues with the new ‘Apply with the need to first register or login’ apply process.
- Fix an issue where the questionnaire may not appear on application forms if there is a radio-text question in the questionnaire.
- Resolved various issues with operation of the onboarding portal
Job Management
- Resolved issue that would allow a job ad to be posted with blank job ad text in the new look & feel.
- Improvement to the Quick Search bar, ensure job requisitions created by copying another job can be found via quick search.
- For Job Request module, remove the ability for a delegator to delegate to the initiator
- Fix an issue with Quick Search bar were clicking into a job would sometimes show an error message and no candidates in that grid.
Candidate Management
- Resolve an issue accessing Resume Mining as part of Candidate Search within the new look and feel
- Provide ability to create manual applications within a child agency where the application form belongs to another (parent) agency
- Docusign – support default recipients associated with a document signing
- Resolve an issue viewing a candidate’s onboarding tab via Springboard Review mode when the underlying candidates useraccount has become disabled
- For data security reasons, restrict access to the My Talent Pipelines dashlet if the user does not have the permission to perform a candidate search
- Ensure bulkprints display multi-select answers for new application forms
- Fix an issue where rules engine automations may not fire for clients that include child organisations
- Resolve an issue with Spreadsheet uploader where the target job reference or talent folder name is
- defined in the spreadsheet column.
- Resolve an issue with the display of correct SMS accounts when sending messages.
Hiring Managers
- Fix an issue where summary fields were not appearing on the Hiring Manager Feedback Report.
- Provide visibility to the SSO federated id / linked account linked to a backend useraccount on the Organisation Administration -> Manage Users screen.
- Resolve an issue with inline editing of reference data in the new look and feel
- Support selecting Seek Accounts when posting job ads within the Shared Service Provider Model
- Fixed layout issues on the SMS Admin screen in the new look & feel.
- Improved look & feel for the Manage User Groups and Restrict Access to Job Folders popups in user administration
- Increase character limit for an Email Subject in App Comms and Job Comms to 500 characters, up from 100 characters.
- Resolve several issues related to Supplier Management in Version 7
Security, Architecture and Web Services
- Ongoing updates to the Springboard platform modernisation
- Integration of Tazio into Springboard for a specific customer onboarding experience
- Integration of HireRight into Springboard for a specific customer background check experience
- Support sending email address as well as useraccount-id into the Create Requisition Web Service to resolve users owning a requisition
- Improve stability of the Resume Parser engine
- Improve stability of the Onboarding Document Signing module
- Improve macron handling on the Request To Hire Admin screen.
- Fix an issue with the CVCheck integration rendering the final report link in Springboard
- Security improvements following a recent annual security test:
- Additional whitelisting to further secure against XSS
- Ensure all clients include a minimum-security setting of enforcing account lockout after 5 invalid attempts and reset passwords every 90 days.
- Terminate active sessions for a user when they successfully reset their password